Vasuki - random unique identifiers, tokens, and words



The algorithms and procedures curated here generate different kinds of random and pseudo-random identifiers, tokens, names or passwords.

While some generated tokens max out on the randomness and uniqueness aspects like UUIDs, others compromise on the time vs. space domain but focus more on human memorability and empathize with their common sense and humor.

Saying that, it is important to understand their properties and features when using those identifiers in different contexts. YMMV. Further information about this topic can be found in the project's README document.

Warranty and License

Please refer to the LICENSE file for further information and caveats about warranty and licensing information.
You are responsible for using this software responsibly, it comes without warranty of any kind.

Vasuki on GitHub | Vasuki on PyPI | Software version: 0.7.0 | Install:
pip install 'vasuki[service]'